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What is Oracle Instant Client 21.9 and Why You Need It


What is Instant Client and Why You Need It

If you are developing or deploying applications that connect to Oracle Database, either on-premise or in the cloud, you may want to use Oracle Instant Client. Oracle Instant Client is a free, light-weight, and easily installed set of tools, libraries, and SDKs that provide the necessary network connectivity and advanced data features to make full use of Oracle Database.

Oracle Instant Client is commonly used by the Oracle APIs of popular languages and environments such as Python, Node.js, Go, PHP, and Ruby. It also provides access for Oracle Call Interface (OCI), Oracle C++ Call Interface (OCCI), JDBC OCI, ODBC, and Pro*C applications. Tools included in Instant Client, such as SQL*Plus, SQL*Loader, and Oracle Data Pump, provide quick and convenient data access.

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Oracle Instant Client simplifies the deployment of applications by eliminating the need for an Oracle home on the client machines. Oracle's standard client-server network interoperability allows connections between different versions of Oracle Instant Client and Oracle Database. For certified configurations, refer to My Oracle Support note 207303.1. Tools such as Data Pump may have other restrictions.

Benefits of Instant Client

Oracle Instant Client offers several benefits for developers and users of Oracle Database applications. Here are some of them:

Easy installation and deployment

You can install Oracle Instant Client by downloading either zip files or RPM packages from the on Oracle Technology Network (OTN). You can also install Oracle Instant Client by selecting the Instant Client option when you run Oracle Universal Installer (OUI) for the Oracle Database Client software.

You can deploy applications using Instant Client in the cloud or on-premise. You can also use Dockerfiles or pre-built images from the GitHub Container Registry to run Instant Client in Docker containers.

Reduced storage space requirement

Applications running in Instant Client mode require significantly less storage space compared to the same application running in a full client-side installation. For example, the Basic package for Windows x64 is only about 140 MB in size. This makes it easier to distribute and update applications using Instant Client.

No loss of functionality or performance

Applications deployed using Oracle Instant Client have no loss of functionality or performance compared to the same application running in a full client-side installation. The Instant Client libraries provide the same network connectivity and advanced data features as the full Oracle Database or Oracle Client libraries. You can use all the features of Oracle Database such as encryption, compression, high availability, scalability, security, and more.

Cloud-ready applications

Instant Client applications are cloud-ready and can connect to any local or remote Oracle Database instance. Whether your applications are in the cloud or on-premise, you can install Instant Client and connect to cloud databases. You can also use Instant Client to connect to Oracle Autonomous Database on Shared Exadata Infrastructure (ADB-S) with TLS/SSL certificates.

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How to Download and Install Instant Client

In this section, we will show you how to download and install Instant Client from zip files or RPMs. You can also use OUI to install Instant Client, but we will not cover that option here. For more details, refer to the for your platform.

Downloading Instant Client packages

The first step is to download the Instant Client packages that you need from the on OTN. You can choose from different versions of Instant Client, such as 21.9, 21.3, 19.12, and so on. You can also choose from different platforms, such as Windows, Linux, macOS, and Solaris.

The Instant Client packages are available in two formats: zip files and RPM packages. Zip files are suitable for any platform, while RPM packages are specific to Linux platforms. You can use either format, depending on your preference and environment.

There are different types of Instant Client packages, each providing a different set of features and tools. You can download one or more packages, depending on your application requirements. Here is a brief description of each package:

Basic package

This package contains the core OCI libraries and enables applications to connect to Oracle Database. It also includes Data Pump, SQL*Loader, and Workload Replay Client tools. This package is required for all Instant Client installations.

Basic Light package

This package is similar to the Basic package, but it has a smaller footprint and does not include support for some character sets and Oracle Net features. This package is suitable for applications that do not need these features or that have limited disk space.

SDK package

This package contains the header files and libraries needed to develop applications using OCI, OCCI, Pro*C, or JDBC OCI. It also includes demo programs that illustrate how to use these APIs.

SQL*Plus package

This package contains the SQL*Plus command-line tool that allows you to interact with Oracle Database using SQL and PL/SQL statements. It also includes the SQL*Plus Instant Client Error Messages manual.

Tools package

This package contains additional tools that can be used with Instant Client, such as expdp, impdp, exp, imp, sqlldr, and wrc.

ODBC package

This package contains the ODBC driver that enables ODBC applications to connect to Oracle Database. It also includes the ODBC Administrator tool that allows you to configure and manage ODBC data sources.

Precompilers package

This package contains the Pro*C/C++, Pro*COBOL, and Pro*FORTRAN precompilers that allow you to embed SQL statements in C, COBOL, or FORTRAN source code. It also includes the Object Type Translator tool that generates C or C++ code for user-defined types.

JDBC-OCI Supplement package

This package contains additional files required for JDBC OCI applications. It is not a standalone package and must be used with the Basic or Basic Light package.

Installing Instant Client from zip files or RPMs

The next step is to install Instant Client from the zip files or RPM packages that you downloaded. The installation process differs slightly depending on your platform and format. Here are the general steps for Windows and Linux or UNIX platforms:

For Windows

  • Create a new directory for Instant Client, such as C:\instantclient_21_9.

  • Unzip the zip files into the new directory.

  • Add the new directory to the PATH environment variable.

  • If you plan to use ODBC, create a new environment variable called TNS_ADMIN and set its value to the directory where your tnsnames.ora file is located.

  • If you plan to use ODBC, run odbc_install.exe from the new directory as an administrator to install and configure the ODBC driver.

  • If you plan to use JDBC OCI or JDBC Thin with a wallet, create a new environment variable called TNS_ADMIN and set its value to the directory where your wallet is located.

  • If you plan to use JDBC OCI with TLS/SSL certificates for ADB-S connections, create a new environment variable called WALLET_LOCATION and set its value to the directory where your wallet is located.

  • If you plan to use Pro*C/C++, Pro*COBOL, or Pro*FORTRAN applications, set up your compiler options according to the instructions in the for Windows[^2 ^]^.

For Linux or UNIX

  • Create a new directory for Instant Client, such as /opt/oracle/instantclient_21_9.

  • If you downloaded zip files, unzip them into the new directory.

  • If you downloaded RPM packages, install them with the rpm command or the yum command. For example, to install the Basic package, run the following command as root: rpm -i oracle-instantclient-basic-

  • Add the new directory to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable.

  • If you plan to use ODBC, create a new environment variable called TNS_ADMIN and set its value to the directory where your tnsnames.ora file is located.

  • If you plan to use ODBC, run from the new directory as root to update the odbc.ini and odbcinst.ini files.

  • If you plan to use JDBC OCI or JDBC Thin with a wallet, create a new environment variable called TNS_ADMIN and set its value to the directory where your wallet is located.

  • If you plan to use JDBC OCI with TLS/SSL certificates for ADB-S connections, create a new environment variable called WALLET_LOCATION and set its value to the directory where your wallet is located.

  • If you plan to use Pro*C/C++, Pro*COBOL, or Pro*FORTRAN applications, set up your compiler options according to the instructions in the for Linux or UNIX.

How to Use Instant Client

After installing Instant Client, you can use it to connect to Oracle Database and run your applications. In this section, we will show you how to set up the environment variables for Instant Client and how to connect to Oracle Database with different tools and APIs.

Setting environment variables for Instant Client

Before using Instant Client, you need to set up some environment variables that specify the location of Instant Client libraries and configuration files. The exact variables and values depend on your platform and application requirements. Here are some common variables that you may need to set:

  • PATH: This variable should include the directory where Instant Client is installed. This allows you to run the tools and applications from Instant Client without specifying the full path.

  • LD_LIBRARY_PATH: This variable should include the directory where Instant Client is installed. This allows the dynamic linker to find the Instant Client libraries when loading your applications.

  • TNS_ADMIN: This variable should point to the directory where your tnsnames.ora file is located. This file contains the network service names that map to Oracle Database instances. You can use these names when connecting to Oracle Database with Instant Client.

  • WALLET_LOCATION: This variable should point to the directory where your wallet is located. A wallet is a secure container that stores authentication and signing credentials, such as TLS/SSL certificates. You can use a wallet when connecting to Oracle Database with Instant Client over TLS/SSL.

  • NLS_LANG: This variable specifies the language, territory, and character set of your client environment. This affects how Instant Client displays and processes data. For example, you can set this variable to AMERICAN_AMERICA.AL32UTF8 if you want to use American English and UTF-8 encoding.

  • ORACLE_HOME: This variable is not required for Instant Client, but it may be used by some applications that expect a full client-side installation. You can set this variable to the directory where Instant Client is installed or leave it unset.

You can set these variables in your shell profile or in a script that you run before using Instant Client. For example, if you are using bash on Linux, you can add the following lines to your .bash_profile file:

export PATH=/opt/oracle/instantclient_21_9:$PATH export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/oracle/instantclient_21_9:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH export TNS_ADMIN=/opt/oracle/network/admin export WALLET_LOCATION=/opt/oracle/wallet export NLS_LANG=AMERICAN_AMERICA.AL32UTF8 export ORACLE_HOME=/opt/oracle/instantclient_21_9

After setting these variables, you need to source your profile or run your script to make them effective in your current shell session. For example, you can run the following command:

source /.bash_profile

<h Connecting to Oracle Database with Instant Client

Once you have installed and configured Instant Client, you can use it to connect to Oracle Database and run your applications. The connection method and syntax depend on the tool or API that you are using. Here are some examples of how to connect to Oracle Database with different tools and APIs:

Using SQL*Plus

SQL*Plus is a command-line tool that allows you to interact with Oracle Database using SQL and PL/SQL statements. You can use SQL*Plus with Instant Client by running the sqlplus executable from the Instant Client directory. For example, you can run the following command to start SQL*Plus:


You will be prompted to enter your username, password, and connect identifier. The connect identifier can be a network service name from your tnsnames.ora file, an easy connect string, or a net service name from a naming method configured in your sqlnet.ora file. For example, you can enter the following information to connect to a database called ORCL on a host called dbhost:

Enter user-name: scott Enter password: tiger Enter SQL*Plus connect identifier: ORCL

Alternatively, you can enter the username, password, and connect identifier in one line as follows:

Enter user-name: scott/tiger@ORCL

After connecting to Oracle Database, you can run SQL and PL/SQL statements in SQL*Plus. For example, you can run the following command to display the version of Oracle Database that you are connected to:

SQL> select banner from v$version; BANNER -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Oracle Database 21c Enterprise Edition Release - Production

To exit SQL*Plus, you can run the following command:

SQL> exit

Using SQL*Loader and Data Pump

SQL*Loader and Data Pump are tools that allow you to load and unload data from Oracle Database. You can use SQL*Loader and Data Pump with Instant Client by running the sqlldr or expdp/impdp executables from the Instant Client directory. For example, you can run the following command to load data from a file called emp.dat into a table called EMP using a control file called emp.ctl:

/opt/oracle/instantclient_21_9/sqlldr scott/tiger@ORCL control=emp.ctl

You can run the following command to export data from a schema called HR into a dump file called hr.dmp using Data Pump:

/opt/oracle/instantclient_21_9/expdp hr/hr@ORCL directory=DATA_PUMP_DIR dumpfile=hr.dmp

You can run the following command to import data from a dump file called hr.dmp into a schema called HR using Data Pump:

/opt/oracle/instantclient_21_9/impdp hr/hr@ORCL directory=DATA_PUMP_DIR dumpfile=hr.dmp

Using ODBC drivers

ODBC drivers enable ODBC applications to connect to Oracle Database. You can use ODBC drivers with Instant Client by configuring and managing ODBC data sources using the ODBC Administrator tool or the odbc.ini and odbcinst.ini files. For example, you can run the following command to launch the ODBC Administrator tool on Windows:


You can use the ODBC Administrator tool to create, modify, or delete ODBC data sources for Instant Client. You can also test the connection to Oracle Database using the Test Connection button.

You can also edit the odbc.ini and odbcinst.ini files manually on Linux or UNIX platforms. The odbc.ini file contains the information about the ODBC data sources, such as the driver name, DSN name, user name, password, and connect identifier. The odbcinst.ini file contains the information about the ODBC drivers, such as the driver name, description, and library path.

After configuring the ODBC data sources, you can use them in your ODBC applications to connect to Oracle Database. For example, you can use the following connection string in a Python program that uses pyodbc module to connect to an ODBC data source called ORCL:

import pyodbc conn = pyodbc.connect("DSN=ORCL") Using OCI, OCCI, JDBC OCI, or Pro*C applications

OCI, OCCI, JDBC OCI, and Pro*C are APIs that allow you to develop applications that connect to Oracle Database using C, C++, Java, or SQL embedded in C, COBOL, or FORTRAN. You can use these APIs with Instant Client by linking your applications with the Instant Client libraries and setting the appropriate environment variables. For example, you can use the following command to compile and link a Pro*C application on Linux:

proc iname=sample.pc gcc -o sample sample.c -I/opt/oracle/instantclient_21_9/sdk/include -L/opt/oracle/instantclient_21_9 -lclntsh

You can use the following command to run the application:


You will be prompted to enter your username, password, and connect identifier. The connect identifier can be a network service name from your tnsnames.ora file, an easy connect string, or a net service name from a naming method configured in your sqlnet.ora file.


In this article, we have explained what Instant Client is and why you need it. We have also shown you how to download and install Instant Client from zip files or RPMs, and how to use Instant Client to connect to Oracle Database with different tools and APIs. We hope that this article has helped you to understand and use Instant Client for your Oracle Database applications.


Here are some frequently asked questions about Instant Client:

Q: How do I update Instant Client?

A: You can update Instant Client by downloading the latest version of Instant Client packages from the on OTN. You can then install the new packages over the existing ones or in a different directory. You may need to update your environment variables accordingly.

Q: How do I uninstall Instant Client?

A: You can uninstall Instant Client by deleting the directory where Instant Client is installed. You may also need to remove any references to Instant Client from your environment variables or configuration files.

Q: How do I troubleshoot Instant Client?

A: You can troubleshoot Instant Client by checking the error messages and log files generated by Instant Client or your applications. You can also use tools such as tnsping, lsnrctl, sqlplus, or trcasst to test the connectivity and trace the network activity. For more details, refer to the .

Q: How do I get support for Instant Client?

A: You can get support for Instant Client by contacting Oracle Support or posting your questions on the on OTN.

Q: Where can I find more information about Instant Client?

A: You can find more information about Instant Client on the following sources:

  • on OTN

  • for your platform



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