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System Performance Tuning 2nd Edition O Reilly System Administration Ebookpdf: Learn the Best Practi

Chapters are structured to first cover durable skills (models, architecture, and methodologies) and then implementation with tools and tuning. This will be evident to those who read the first edition: most chapters begin with only light changes since the first edition, but the changes increase as each chapter progresses.Why Systems PerformanceSystems performance is an important skill for all computer users, whether you're trying to understand why your laptop is slow or optimizing the performance of a large-scale compute environment (for example, Facebook's datacenters or the Netflix cloud). Systems performance is the study of application, operating system, kernel, and hardware performance.

System Performance Tuning 2nd Edition O Reilly System Administration Ebookpdf

This book is primarily for system administrators, system reliability engineers, performance engineers, support staff, and other operators in enterprise and cloud environments. It is also a useful reference for developers, database administrators, and web server administrators who would like to understand operating system and application performance.

While it covers performance tools and the background for understanding them, what makes this book different is the inclusion of many performance methodologies, including those covered briefly in my USENIX 2012 talk. I've been teaching and developing systems performance classes on and off for over ten years, and have found methodologies to be crucial for giving students a starting point and then guiding them through performance activities. The USE Method is a methodology I developed for this purpose.

As long as there's been a Web, people have been trying to make it faster. The maturation of the Web has meant more users, more data, more features, and consequently longer waits on the Web. Improved performance has become a critical factor in determining the usability of the Web in general and of individual sites in particular.Web Performance Tuning, 2nd Edition is about getting the best possible performance from the Web. This book isn't just about tuning web server software; it's also about streamlining web content, getting optimal performance from a browser, tuning both client and server hardware, and maximizing the capacity of the network itself.Web Performance Tuning hits the ground running, giving concrete advice for quick results -- the "blunt instruments" for improving crippled performance right away. The book then shifts gears to give a conceptual background of the principles of computing performance. The latter half of the book examines each element of a web transaction -- from client to network to server -- to find the weak links in the chain and show how to strengthen them.In this second edition, the book has been significantly expanded to include:

Author: Paul SandersonPublisher: AmazonThis text by noted digital forensics expert, Paul Sanderson, providesinvestigators with low-level technical details useful in analysingSQLite database files.Every computer and phone uses hundreds of SQLite databases and there areover one trillion SQLite databases in active use. Hence, the importanceof examining the data held in these databases in aninvestigation, including deleted data when possible, is paramount. Thisbook fully explains the format of the SQLite database file. It shows howrecords are encoded, how to decode them manually and how to decoderecords that are partially overwritten. It also describe how theworkings of SQLite, and in particular the journal and WAL, can be usedto ascertain what has happened in a manner that cannot be determinedfrom the data alone. The book covers basic SQL queries and how they canbe used to create a custom report that includes data from differenttables, and shows how one can use SQL queries to test hypotheses aboutthe relationships of data in different tables. This book is aimed mainly atforensic practitioners, and it is assumed that the reader has some basicknowledge of computer forensics; it will also be of interest to computerprofessionals in general particularly those who have an interest in theSQLite file format.Learning SQLite for iOS (2016)Author: Gene Da RochaPublisher: Packt PublishingThis book starts with the architecture of SQLite database and introducesyou to concepts in SQL. You will find yourself equipped to design yourown database system, administer it, and maintain it. Further, you willlearn how to operate your SQLite databases smoothly using SQL commands. You will be able to extend the functionality of SQLite by using its vastarsenal of C API calls to build some interesting, exciting, new, andintelligent data-driven applications. Understand how Xcode, HTML5, andPhonegap can be used to build a cross-platform modern app which canbenefit from all these technologies - all through creating a complete,customizable application skeleton that you can build on for your ownapps. This book provides a comprehensive description of SQLite databasesystem. It describes design principles, engineering trade-offs,implementation issues, and operations of SQLite.SQLite Database System Design and Implementation (2015)Author: Sibsankar HaldarPublisher: This book provides a comprehensive description of SQLite database system. It describes design principles, engineering trade-offs, implementation issues,and operations of SQLite. Android SQLite Essentials (2014)Authors: Sunny Kumar Aditya and Vikash Kumar KarnPublisher: Packt PublishingAndroid SQLite Essentials focuses on the core concepts behind buildingdatabase-driven applications. This book covers the basic and advancedtopics with equivalent simplicity and detail, in order to enablereaders to quickly grasp and implement the concepts to build anapplication database.This book takes a hands-on, example-based approach to help readersunderstand the core topics of SQLite and Android database-drivenapplications. This book focuses on providing you with latent as wellas widespread knowledge about practices and approaches towardsdevelopment in an easily understandable manner.SQLite for Mobile Apps Simplified (2014)Author: Sribatsa DasPublisher: AmazonAmazonSQLite for Mobile Apps Simplified is devoted to presenting approachand implementation methodology for using SQLite database in mobile apps.It presents step-by-step examples to create schema, execute transactionsand access data from Android, BlackBerry and iOS applications.In addition, it presents ADB Shell and SQLite command-line shell fromADB Shell to access the SQLite Database created by the Android apps.For BlackBerry and iOS application, the book presents ways to accessthe data using the command line shell. The Definitive Guide to SQLite (2nd edition, 2010)Authors: Mike Owens and Grant AllenPublisher: ApressAmazon 2ff7e9595c

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