Various histology proven benign thyroid nodules. (a) An isoechoic and an echogenic nodule. The isoechoic nodule is seen better in the transverse section (TS) and the echogenic one in the longitudinal section (LS). Besides the echotexture that favours benignity in both these nodules, they also show a well-defined hypoechoic halo that strongly favours benignity. (b) This mixed echotexture solid nodule shows a discrete hypoechoic rim along its entire circumference. A complete uniform halo around a nodule is highly suggestive of benignity, with a specificity of 95%. (c) The well-defined nodule here shows an aggregation of innumerable tiny cystic spaces giving it a spongiform appearance. Such nodules are usually benign and do not need biopsy. (d) Here the isoechoic nodule has multiple cystic spaces occupying more than two-thirds of its volume with a well-defined hypoechoic halo. Such microcystic components in more than 50% of the nodule volume are 99.7% specific for identification of a benign nodule[6]. (e,f) Predominantly cystic and purely cystic thyroid nodules. Thyroid cancer is not common in predominantly cystic nodules and purely cystic nodules are almost never malignant. (g) This transverse image of the right thyroid lobe shows a cyst with multiple echogenic foci with posterior ring-down artefacts. This appearance is diagnostic of a colloid cyst.
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Patterns of vascularity in thyroid nodules. The nodule in (a) with markedly chaotic central and peripheral vascularity is suspicious for malignancy (also note the internal microcalcification); the peripheral vascularity in the isoechoic nodule in (b) is a feature of benignity. On greyscale imaging, the well-defined nodule in (c) with a hypoechoic halo and honeycomb appearance is almost certain to be a benign lesion. However, at colour Doppler imaging (d) the nodule shows both central and peripheral vascularity. The greyscale and colour Doppler imaging features of this nodule are contradictory. At biopsy, it was a benign nodule.
Temporal evolution of a benign thyroid nodule. (a) A solid nodule with few cystic spaces and hypoechoic halo is demonstrated in the longitudinal and transverse planes. (b) The follow-up US images of the same nodule obtained after 1 year shows an increase in the cystic degeneration of the nodule with a slight decrease in its size.
kind of a lengthy post warning! Been seeing some posts that Halo 5 should get a PC port and i think so too, obviously if it gets that then it should get a series XS upgrade. some new features i thought they could add are different campaign modes, like one where you can bring in req weapons and enemies have them too, another fun mode i think is a classic weapons only mode. as you can guess only weapons featured in bungie era halo can be used by players and most enemies , i also want to play as the different characters in single player. i know it wont change gameplay but i love the personal huds especially bucks. also they should have a single player firefight.