Threat lists consist of known malicious IP addresses. This list can be supplied by third-party threat intelligence or created specifically for your organization. In addition to generating findings because of a potentially suspicious activity, GuardDuty also generates findings based on these threat lists. You can include a maximum of 250,000 IP addresses and CIDR ranges in a single threat list. GuardDuty only generates findings based on activity that involves IP addresses and CIDR ranges in your threat lists, findings will not be generated based of domain names. At any given time, you can have up to six uploaded threat lists per AWS account per Region.
Employer Failure to Timely File Accident Report: Every employer has a duty to report employee accidents within 28 days if the injuries wholly or partially incapacitate the person for more than the day, shift or turn. The civil penalty for repeated violations is a $250 civil find for each violation.
Configure.csv Call Of Duty 4 Mod
Employer Failure to Timely File Accident Report: Every employer has a duty to report employee accidents within 28 days if the injuries wholly or partially incapacitate the person for more than the day, shift or turn. For each repeated violations is a $250 civil penalty for each violation.
The Workers Compensation Exception: The HIPAA regulations specifically allow covered entities to disclose health information as authorized by, and to the extent necessary to comply with, workers compensation laws (45 CFR 164.512). Kansas workers compensation law and regulations require health care providers to provide health information to employers, insurance carriers and the Director of Workers Compensation without the injured worker's authorization (K.S.A. 44-515; 44-557a, K.A.R. 51-9-10; 51-9-16). Therefore, a health care provider may disclose health information related to a workers compensation claim to the parties involved in the claim, or to the Division of Workers Compensation without the patient's authorization and such disclosure will not violate the HIPAA regulations.
Navigate to Black Ops 2, click on SETUP and then select your Black Ops 2 game folder.The folder you need to select is most likely either called pluto_t6_full_game or Call of Duty Black Ops II.Do not select your Games folder or your Document folders. Select the folder with Black Ops II files in it!
Navigate to Modern Warfare 3, click on SETUP and then select your Modern Warfare 3 game folder.The folder you need to select will be called Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3.Do not select your Games folder or your Document folders. Select the folder with Modern Warfare 3 files in it!
Navigate to World At War, click on SETUP and then select your World At War game folder.The folder you need to select is most likely either called pluto_t4_full_game or Call of Duty World At War.Do not select your Games folder or your Document folders. Select the folder with World At War files in it!
Navigate to Black Ops, click on SETUP and then select your Black Ops game folder.The folder you need to select is most likely either called pluto_t5_full_game or Call of Duty Black Ops.Do not select your Games folder or your Document folders. Select the folder with Black Ops files in it!
In 2014, Blizzard Entertainment changed data format in their games from MPQ to CASC (Content Addressable Storage Container). Every Blizzard game today (2019) has its own storage, which can be found in a subdirectory of the game (Data, SC2Data). Compared to the old MPQ archives, files in a CASC storage are not standalone; they are all needed to keep the storage in shape. It is no longer possible to copy a single file out and treat it as single archive. CASC storages are also closely tight up with the remote server, called Content Delivery Network - the CDN. Every time when a missing or corrupt file is detected, the game client (or game agent) automatically downloads the data from the server. The client also checks whether the server variant of the game data contains a new version.
A tool for browsing files and extracting data, called CascView is available, supporting all Blizzard games. CascView features browsing of local and online storages, searching files, extracting files, viewing BLP images and more. Note that CascView is not an editor - there is no support for modifying CASC storages and there are no plans for adding it. Due to the ever-changing nature of the storages, it would be extremely difficult and also a violation of Blizzard terms of use.
This is where the security level comes in: It determines the level of complexity an identity has to fulfill before it can be seen as an identity that is allowed to join the server. This implies that the client has to do a certain amount of work. The higher the complexity, the more work a client will statistically have to do.
Of course, a client is still able to pregenerate identities to prepare for instant ban evasion. This is where the server admin can reconfigure the security level on their server to a higher value, which automatically invalidates all identities below that level, requiring all clients trying to join to recalculate a valid identity token.
Once you followed all the steps for converting your map, you have to generate the IWDby clicking Generate IWD for the map you selected in the IW4x Mod-Builder. This will compress the images for your map.All required files should be located in /usermaps//.Those are all files you need, you can then run the map on your server or client using map .Players connecting to your server will automatically download all required ressources to play the map.
Demo VideoIntroductionThis tutorial will teach you how to create a custom Gobblegum (internally referred to as BGB), complete with an image, model, and custom effects.Creating custom Gobblegums is a lengthy process, so be prepared to do quite a bit of work. This can be done either as a mod, or as a part of a map. You'll almost certainly want to use the map method as it doesn't need a mod to function, so players downloading your map won't need to find the mod for the map to work, but I've included steps for both for completeness. Skip over sections marked as 'MOD ONLY' if you are using the map method, and vice versa.You'll need to use my custom Gobblegum machine if you want to dispense the Gobblegum (don't worry, it's better than the original anyway). If you haven't already got it, you'll learn more later in this tutorial.Download this pack, which contains (almost) everything you'll need to create your custom Gobblegum and have it work on your map. The steps in this tutorial will refer to files in the corresponding folder of the zip.This has taken a lot of researching to do, so there might be some errors in this tutorial. Let me know if you have any issues.Step 0(Preplanning)The first thing you need to do is think of what your Gobblegum is going to do. Changing its internal name, activation type, etc. later is not easy, so make sure you know what you want to call it and what you want it to do now. For this tutorial, I'll create a round-based (blue) Gobblegum with internal name func_vehicle, to keep it simple to understand. Just replace func_vehicle with your_gobblegum_name (lowercase, underscores as spaces) whenever you see it.Step 1(Logo)One of the most important assets you need to create is the Gobblegum logo. Open the Step 1 folder in the zip, which contains the background circle for the four types of Gobblegum. Open the background in an image editor and create a new layer on top of the background. Use pure white (255, 255, 255) to create the logo inside the coloured area. Once you're finished, save it in your image editor's format to preserve layers in case you want to edit it later. Then save it as a png, called i_mtl_p7_zm_bgb_icon_func_vehicle_c.png.Step 2(HUD icon)Another asset we need to create is the Gobblegum HUD icon. Open the Step 2 folder, which contains existing HUD icons for every colour and rarity combination. Open the image that matches the colour and rarity combination that you want in an image editor and create a new layer. Add the logo png you created in the last step to this new layer, and use your editor's tools to remove the white around the logo. Position your logo so that it perfectly covers the existing logo, while keeping the white outline. Create a third layer on top, and either use one of my premade 'magic layers' to make the logo look like it is shaded or create your own. To make your own magic layer, make a circular selection that matches the size of the logo area, and then use large, soft brushes of pure black or pure white at about 8-32/256 transparency. Then just try to recreate the shading effect.At this point, you should compare your HUD icon to one of the base icons I have provided, to make sure they look similar enough. I've found you might need to boost the saturation on the logo layer to get the look to match up. Once you're done, save this twice, once in your editor's format and again as a png called t7_hud_zm_bgb_func_vehicle.png.Step 3(APE 1)Firstly, move your two created pngs to a suitable game folder. Personally, I used Call of Duty Black Ops III\texture_assets\custom_bgb. If you don't use this folder, you're going to have to change a lot of file paths.While you're here, also move all the textures in the Step 3 textures folder to this location.Now we need to set things up in APE. Drag the GDTs found in the Step 3 GDTs folder to Call of Duty Black Ops III\source_data.You need to locate the zm_bgb_func_vehicle GDT in APE, and rename all instances of func_vehicle with your_gobblegum_name, including the GDT name itself and the assets names and properties.We also need to quickly change some model textures. You need to open the XMODEL_EXPORT files in a text editor and scroll to the bottom. You'll see some filenames. Replace 'func_vehicle' in the lower pair with your_gobblegum_name, and the upper pair line with one of the following lines depending on colour and rarity:ClassicMATERIAL 0 "mtl_p7_zm_bgb_regular_blue" "Phong" "color:..\_images\i_mtl_p7_zm_bgb_regular_blue_c.png"MATERIAL 0 "mtl_p7_zm_bgb_regular_green" "Phong" "color:..\_images\i_mtl_p7_zm_bgb_regular_green_c.png"MATERIAL 0 "mtl_p7_zm_bgb_regular_orange" "Phong" "color:..\_images\i_mtl_p7_zm_bgb_regular_orange_c.png"MATERIAL 0 "mtl_p7_zm_bgb_regular_purple" "Phong" "color:..\_images\i_mtl_p7_zm_bgb_regular_purple_c.png"MegaMATERIAL 0 "mtl_p7_zm_bgb_mega_blue" "Phong" "color:..\_images\i_mtl_p7_zm_bgb_mega_blue_c.png"MATERIAL 0 "mtl_p7_zm_bgb_mega_green" "Phong" "color:..\_images\i_mtl_p7_zm_bgb_mega_green_c.png"MATERIAL 0 "mtl_p7_zm_bgb_mega_orange" "Phong" "color:..\_images\i_mtl_p7_zm_bgb_mega_orange_c.png"MATERIAL 0 "mtl_p7_zm_bgb_mega_purple" "Phong" "color:..\_images\i_mtl_p7_zm_bgb_mega_purple_c.png"Rare MegaMATERIAL 0 "mtl_p7_zm_bgb_rare_mega_blue" "Phong" "color:..\_images\i_mtl_p7_zm_bgb_rare_mega_blue_c.png"MATERIAL 0 "mtl_p7_zm_bgb_rare_mega_green" "Phong" "color:..\_images\i_mtl_p7_zm_bgb_rare_mega_green_c.png"MATERIAL 0 "mtl_p7_zm_bgb_rare_mega_orange" "Phong" "color:..\_images\i_mtl_p7_zm_bgb_rare_mega_orange_c.png"MATERIAL 0 "mtl_p7_zm_bgb_rare_mega_purple" "Phong" "color:..\_images\i_mtl_p7_zm_bgb_rare_mega_purple_c.png"Ultra-rare MegaMATERIAL 0 "mtl_p7_zm_bgb_urm_blue" "Phong" "color:..\_images\i_mtl_p7_zm_bgb_urm_blue_c.png"MATERIAL 0 "mtl_p7_zm_bgb_urm_green" "Phong" "color:..\_images\i_mtl_p7_zm_bgb_urm_green_c.png"MATERIAL 0 "mtl_p7_zm_bgb_urm_orange" "Phong" "color:..\_images\i_mtl_p7_zm_bgb_urm_orange_c.png"MATERIAL 0 "mtl_p7_zm_bgb_urm_purple" "Phong" "color:..\_images\i_mtl_p7_zm_bgb_urm_purple_c.png"WhimsicalMATERIAL 0 "mtl_p7_zm_bgb_whim_blue" "Phong" "color:..\_images\i_mtl_p7_zm_bgb_whim_blue_c.png"MATERIAL 0 "mtl_p7_zm_bgb_whim_green" "Phong" "color:..\_images\i_mtl_p7_zm_bgb_whim_green_c.png"MATERIAL 0 "mtl_p7_zm_bgb_whim_orange" "Phong" "color:..\_images\i_mtl_p7_zm_bgb_whim_orange_c.png"MATERIAL 0 "mtl_p7_zm_bgb_whim_purple" "Phong" "color:..\_images\i_mtl_p7_zm_bgb_whim_purple_c.png"Once you've made the changes, use Export2Bin to turn them into XMODEL_BINs. Then move these bins to a suitable folder, this time I used Call of Duty Black Ops III\model_export\custom_bgb. Then, change LOD0 in both models in APE to the corresponding XMODEL_BIN.A sign that you have done this correctly is the models (p7_zm_bgb_func_vehicle, p7_zm_bgb_func_vehicle_ui) will look correct in the 3D preview (use alt and drag left mouse to rotate the model). Don't worry about the camo (mtl_zmb_t7_camo_bgb_func_vehicle_i), that will still look untextured even if you have changed the color map property.We need to do some more stuff in APE in the next step, so keep it open.Step 4(APE 2)Now we need to modify the camo list. You've already moved the required GDT (zm_bgb_shared) to the correct folder in the previous step. Find it in APE, and modify camo_t7_zmb_bgb_ship. Scroll down to Camo Type 64. This is the first available slot that we can add our Gobblegum, and this is the slot which the example uses. Each camo slot has two materials, and they each have a 'base material', and a 'replace with' property. Don't change the base materials. For Material 1, you want to change the 'replace with' value to the material used by a Gobblegum with the same type and rarity as yours. For example, because my Gobblegum will be round-based with a Mega rarity appearance, I will choose this material to be the same as Board Games, and thus will put 'mtl_zmb_t7_camo_bgb_board_games' as Material 1's replace with value.Material 2 should be your camo material ie. mtl_zmb_t7_camo_bgb_func_vehicle_i.You can ignore the 'Asset doesn't exist' warnings, it will work in game just fine.The slot you choose is important, because it maps to a Camo Index which we will need later. Unfortunately, Treyarch has kind of fucked with this table internally, so it doesn't exactly work like you think it would. Camo Type 64 - 71 work, and they map to Camo Index 61 - 68 (just take 3 away to get index). Camo Type 72 - 75 don't work as already existing Gobblegums take up their respective indices for some reason. If you need more than 8 slots, move to the second file, camo_t7_zmb_bgb_base76.Camo Type 76 and higher seem to map to one less in the Camo Index (ie. Camo Type 76 -> Camo Index 75).Step 5(Modifying existing scripts)To get our Gobblegum to work in game, we will eventually need to 'register' it. The register function definitions are not included in bgb gsc or csc skeletons by default, so we need to add them. Open Call of Duty Black Ops III\share\raw\scripts\zm\_zm_bgb.gsc in a text editor. Below the last line, add function register(name, limit_type, limit, enable_func, disable_func, validation_func, activation_func) . Likewise in the corresponding .csc (Call of Duty Black Ops III\share\raw\scripts\zm\, add function register(name, limit_type) below the namespace. If you're wondering why this works or is needed, the compiler checks against these skeleton files when compiling, but the real versions are used when in-game.Step 6(Localization)Now we need to add the localized name, description and hint for our Gobblegum. This is done in zmui.str. Drag this file from Step 6 to Call of Duty Black Ops III\usermaps\your_map_name\english\localizedstrings. Open it in a text editor, and change the references to have your_gobblegum_name instead of func_vehicle. The first entry is the name of the Gobblegum, the second is the menu description (which you won't see unless you're using the mod method), and the third is the in-game hint that pops up at the top of the screen when you take the Gobblegum from the machine.Make sure to keep ^1CUSTOM\n^7 from the start of the description, to help distinguish your Gobblegum from ones in the base game. Your hint should be short and descriptive, as it is possibly the only description of what your Gobblegum does that the user will see, and it's only visible for a few seconds. You can use \n for a new line.Step 7A(Modifying the stats table)(THIS STEP IS MOD ONLY)Next up is modifying zm_statstable.csv to include our Gobblegum. Move the csv in Step 7A to Call of Duty Black Ops III\mods\your_mod_name\gamedata\stats\zm, and open it with a spreadsheet program or text editor. You need to locate a free slot (a number between 0-255 that isn't already used in the first column). Make a new row inbetween the existing ones. For example, I see 199 is free, so I create the row between 198 (next lowest) and 200 (next highest).Column 1: slot number (found from above)Column 2: blankColumn 3: bubblegum (Gobblegum will appear in Classics tab on menu), or bubblegum_consumable (Gobblegum will appear in Mega tab on menu)Column 4: zmui_bgb_func_vehicleColumn 5: zm_bgb_func_vehicleColumn 6: camo index (refer to Step 4)Column 7: t7_hud_zm_bgb_func_vehicleColumn 8: zmui_bgb_func_vehicle_descColumn 9: blankColumn 10: sort order on menu (just put 1)Column 11: unlock level (just leave blank)Column 12: blankColumn 13 can be either 1 (appear in menu) or -1 (hidden from menu), just use 1Column 14: equippedbubblegumpackColumn 15: blankColumn 16: dlc requirement (just leave blank)Column 17: rarity (0 for classic, 1 for mega, 2 for rare mega, 3 for ultra-rare mega, 4 for whimsical)Column 18: level locked (just put 0)Column 19: unknown (just leave blank)Column 20: blankColumn 21: activation method (should be obvious, look at other rows)Step 7B(Modifying the HUD)(THIS STEP IS MAP ONLY)We need to alter the HUD elements responsible for displaying Gobblegums as we cannot alter zm_statstable.csv with just a map (clients will be disconnected immediately upon loading an online game if you do so). Drag the ui folder from Step 7B of the pack into your map's folder.IMPORTANT: For Lua to actually compile as part of your map, you need L3akMod.Steps continue in next post... 2ff7e9595c